What the MSM isn’t telling you about Ukraine and what it may likely uncover

What the mainstream media isn’t reporting regarding the Ukraine situation is the American biological research labs scattered across Ukraine. Putin has said on many occasions but most recently that he does not want American bio labs conducting experiments along his border. You’ll be hard-pressed to find information on the whereabouts of these labs, but with a little sleuthing you can find some, like this piece: https://www.opindia.com/…/russia-ukraine-invasion…/.

As for President Zelensky, he is a Soros plant to ensure his Open Societies Foundation agenda is fully implemented in Europe under the guise of “democracy” – a democracy operated by an elite few. See for yourself:

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, the crime boss himself, George Soros, admits to actively meddling in the Ukrainian government to influence the overthrow of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014 who was succeeded by Petro Poroshenko following the Ukrainian Revolution. (Source: https://youtu.be/oSAArjOBf_c).

Which brings to mind the 2018 conference during which Biden bragged about stiff-arming Poroshenko to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor who was believed to be investigating his son, Hunter, but tried to make it sound as though he was simply withholding Poroshenko’s foreign aid check? Poroshenko was clearly another puppet of the Soros/Globalist apparatus.

Ukrainian President Zelensky is no different. I equate him to Boris Johnson of the UK. He is another manipulable puppet for the globalists to control and serve as the “mask” for who is pulling the strings. If you’ve not seen Glenn Beck’s breakdown of the Ukraine scandal – from DNC Collusion, Joe Biden, Soros, to Trump, War, etc. – it’s a must watch. Glenn provides all the background info you need to understand the unrest in Ukraine. (Source: https://rumble.com/vvsgwe-ukraine-scandal-explained-from…)

If you ask me, I think what we’re ultimately witnessing is the globalists’ last ditch efforts to keep their international criminal operations in Ukraine hidden (i.e., money-laundering, sex trafficking, bioweapons research, etc.). Ukraine could be the first in a long line of dominoes to fall while simultaneously exposing their malfeasance, and they’re fighting like hell to keep it under wraps. Take a good look at the photos in this article from the NY Post and see who is cavorting with Alexander Soros (son of George Soros) and ask yourself who the real enemy is here. (Source: https://nypost.com/…/george-soros-son-hobnobs-with…/).

We’re watching political and geopolitical vaudeville unfold as the media (aka “The Left’s Bullhorn) serves up the disinformation – that means you too, Fox News! We’re clearly not getting the full story nor should we expect them to amicably hand it over.

In related news – and some other thoughts

Last night, we received reports of blackout in Taiwan. What’s in Taiwan? Well, again if we dig, we’ll find American-funded bio labs. Check this piece from 2017 from Scientific American: https://www.scientificamerican.com/…/china-to-permit…/.

If Wuhan was funded with money from Dr. Fauci’s NIH via EcoHealth Alliance to Wuhan, and Wuhan labs helped build the labs in Taiwan, you only need to read into this so far until you realize that the dots from Ukraine also connect in Taiwan. I found this paragraph particularly enlightening: “Many staff from the Wuhan lab have been training at a BSL-4 lab in Lyon (France), which some scientists find reassuring. And the facility has already carried out a test-run using a low-risk virus.

But worries surround the Chinese lab, too. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey.”

Here are a few other notable excerpts from this article (click to enlarge):

THIS IS FROM 2017!!! Anyone recall Dr. Fauci’s ominous prediction from 2017 during the Trump administration? (Source: https://youtu.be/puqaaeLnEww)

The corruption of international criminals like Soros (and many within our own D.C. Swamp) makes Putin’s “war crimes” look like a girl scout cookie sale. I don’t support Putin, but I acknowledge he is no fool. Yet as the ancient saying goes, “An enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And just for a moment, I want you to entertain this food for thought as we watch the current events unfold: Is it be possible that Putin and Xi Jinping collaboratively working to dismantle and eradicate the NWO from Europe and Asia? This has me thinking back to Trump’s closed door meetings with Xi (2019), Putin (2018) and Kim Jung Un (2019) during his administration. All these meetings occurred just prior to the COVID pandemic, so Trump had to move fast to put the pieces together if he knew what was coming. At this point anything is possible but I don’t suppose it’s too far-fetched. Timing is everything.

And so, will China at last break its silence and “invade” Taiwan (link)? Will North Korea respond with another “nuclear ballistic missile launch”? Will Putin continue his march across the Ukraine? Remember, fear is a useful tool for the left. How do you think they got a worldwide population to lockdown over a year, wear masks, and not question the contents of the COVID vax? Don’t be surprised if the MSM starts instigating “total nuclear war” which I do not believe will happen. The threat of nuclear war is just another tool in their arsenal they will use as cover to re-jumpstart the agenda that got stalemated when, much to their surprise, Trump mysteriously defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Amidst increasing arguments over decertifying the 2020 election in key battleground states, the “war” in Ukraine, an ominous cloud over Taiwan called China, the revelation of American-funded biological research labs, MSM disinformation in full swing, more looming Durham indictments, the potential for a Ghislaine Maxwell re-trial, and Trump’s new platform – Truth Social – coming online, the fear and panic among the democrats and their globalist counterparts is palpable. And let’s not forget the 70+ mile trucker convoy expected to arrive in D.C. this weekend. Whatever is happening it’s certainly causing disruption within the Soros propaganda machine and I like it.

March Madness is upon us. Buckle up!

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