The Origin of ‘QAnon’ and the Obsessive Crusade by the Left to Censor

In this blog post, I aspire to demystify the ‘QAnon’ movement for those who may not be familiar with it, or who may have heard of it but know nothing of it. If you find yourself perplexed by the cryptic and often controversial references to Q in popular media, this post is your primer. We’ll begin by separating the essence of Q from the exaggerated portrayal often depicted in mainstream media.

My initiation into the intriguing world of Q took place in November 2017, just a month after the emergence of the first “Q drop” on the 4Chan online forum (and later 8Chan), which is renowned for its anonymous and often potent political discussions. At the time, Q was an obscure phenomenon, not even a whisper in the mainstream media. My curiosity was piqued when a close friend sent me an unexpected message on Facebook asking, “Have you heard of Q? You should really look into it!” Admittedly, I was oblivious to this enigmatic presence, but I was soon to be drawn into an enthralling journey of exploration. Little did I know its connection to a more complex story that has been unfolding.

Before diving into my personal experience, let’s add some context. The ‘QAnon’ movement is anchored by cryptic messages, or “Q drops,” allegedly from an anonymous insider with high-level government security clearance. These messages expose hidden truths about global politics, the infiltration of the Deep State in national and international criminal scandals, the uncovering of massive global pedophile rings and human trafficking, and much more.

Now, let’s take a step back in time. Below, I’ve included the very first set of Q drops as they were published on 4Chan on October 28, 2017. This is where it all began:

Naturally, I approached the phenomenon with a healthy dose of skepticism, which, I believe, is a prudent stance when encountering anything with a whiff of conspiracy theory. The first Q drops, in particular, were draped in the mystique often associated with such theories. However, as days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, the Q drops were flowing in unceasingly – akin to an unrelenting stream from a turned-on faucet. What I noticed was an odd connection between the drops and current events, and even the confirmation of future events, which I will get into later.

In tandem with this, I began interacting with other Q followers on Twitter (or as it’s now called, X). This community engagement catalyzed a shift in my perception. It dawned on me that the cryptic messages embodied something far more sprawling and significant than what I had initially perceived.

As I delved deeper into the content of the Q posts, an intricate web began to unravel before my eyes. The pieces of the puzzle started to interlock and illuminated a trove of revelations that seemed too coherent and precise to be dismissed as random musings.

Eventually, the cryptography-laden information lead me to a discerning conclusion: this stream of revelations was likely emanating from a source with military affiliations. Whether it was an individual or a collective, it was apparent that there was a level of insight and detail that could only have been procured from within well-informed circles. What was interesting about the drops was that neither one revealed information unlawfully, but was similar to a “breadcrumb trail” which followers used to conduct their own research into the criminal syndicate otherwise commonly known as the Deep State.

Early on in my research, I stumbled upon a video that, in my estimation, stands as a keystone in the architecture of the Q movement. This video captures a speech delivered by President Trump on the eve of the 2016 General Election.

As you immerse yourself in the Q posts, you may observe striking parallels between the lexicon employed by Trump in the video and the terminology that peppers the Q drops. It’s almost as if the content of the video sets a thematic backdrop to the cryptic posts that would emerge.

The timing of the video’s release adds an intriguing layer to the narrative – it was uploaded to YouTube merely four days before the first Q drop surfaced on 4Chan (and if you’ve already read my last post, you might note the coincidental timing of Admiral Mike Rogers’ secret meeting with then president-elect Donald Trump in New York and the drop of the first Q post). Despite the passage of time, the video continues to garner views and, at the time of writing this, has been viewed close to 5 million times.

What’s even more intriguing is that YouTube, known for its stringent content policies, especially concerning Q-related content, has not flagged or removed this video. This, despite the platform’s sweeping purge of Q-associated materials over the past four to five years. The video, thus, remains an accessible and resilient piece in the puzzle that is Q.

The video in question sheds light on a pivotal moment during the 2016 election campaign – Trump’s sharp, unflinching retort to Hillary Clinton in a debate hosted by MSNBC. This exchange is emblematic of the unforeseen disruption Trump’s ascent to the presidency brought for many on the Left and among globalist circles. Let’s take a quick look:

There was a widespread presumption that Hillary Clinton’s victory was inevitable. However, Trump’s triumph in the 2016 election was akin to throwing a proverbial wrench in the works of the meticulously orchestrated globalist agenda. This agenda was steering towards what has been termed the ‘Great Reset,’ an initiative most vocally championed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) wizard himself, Klaus Schwab.

Trump’s counter-establishment rhetoric and policies sent shockwaves through those who had vested interests in the globalist roadmap, triggering an atmosphere of urgent apprehension among them as they grappled with this unexpected turn of events.

Let’s break it down: What is Q really about?

First things first, to grasp the essence of Q, we must establish what it’s not. Let me clarify, as someone who’s tracked this movement from its inception – Q is not the caricature that mainstream media often paints.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the 4Chan or 8Chan, here’s what you need to know: these forums are anonymous. There are no usernames or real names. Everyone interacts under the cloak of anonymity, hence the term “anon.” So, technically speaking, “QAnon” is a label coined by the mainstream media as a tactic to divide and brand followers as everything from eccentric to militant conspiracy theorists. As we all know, the Left is very good at labeling groups and sowing division; it’s what gives their message potency at the expense of keeping the American public asleep. So, for clarity, there’s ‘Q,’ and then there are the ‘anons,’ the individuals who engage with Q on the forums and conduct their own research to decipher and make sense of the cryptographic messages, or to put it simply as Q describes in drop #4881 (see below):

One key indication of the possible legitimacy of Q is the following 2018 rally speech in Columbia, Missouri, where President Trump alludes to the need to “bypass the mainstream media” in order to communicate directly with the American public. Listen closely to the clip below (Source: C-SPAN):

Again, here’s the transcript of Trump’s exact words:

…we really have to bypass the media, because it’s so one-sided and unfair, in order to get straight to the American people. That’s what we’re doing.”

“…we have to just go around ’em. We just have to go around ’em, and we have gone around them like nobody in history has ever gone around them.

Could it be that President Trump is subtly hinting at the aim and significance of Q to the American public? Or perhaps, is it a hat-tip to those who have already caught on to who and what Q is? As Q drops persistently emerge on the Chan boards, it increasingly becomes evident as to who might be orchestrating what is fast evolving into an unprecedented movement, the scale of which is unparalleled in both national and global history.

Who is Q?

Here’s where it gets intriguing. The identity or identities behind Q remain shrouded in mystery. However, the prevailing belief is that Q is likely a collective rather than an individual. It’s speculated that this group operates in close circles with the 45th president, Donald J. Trump, and includes high-ranking military personnel, specifically from the military intelligence community (MIL INTEL), along with a possible sprinkling of select civilians. It’s worth noting that the highest security clearance for the purposes of working in close proximity to the president is called “Q clearance.” As per the definition from the Department of Energy, Q clearance “is the equivalent of a Top Secret…with a Q an individual can be given access to Top Secret National Security Information if his or her duties require it.” (Source: Department of Energy)

As the Q posts garnered attention, the anons – some of whom claim to be veteran intelligence officers – have validated the legitimacy of these posts. While there has been much speculation regarding the origins of Q and who is behind it, the entities behind Q have never been conclusively unveiled. You can conveniently find all 4,500+ Q drops on an aggregate website called QAlerts, which was specifically set up by an ‘anon’ to collect Q drops from the 4Chan/8Chan boards for research and archival purposes.

How do we know whether Q is real or just another baseless conspiracy?

This is the juncture where the plot thickens and, pardon the cliché, your horizons might need to broaden a tad. The question of whether Q is authentic or a figment of collective imagination is subjective. Before you align yourself with the skeptics or the naysayers, I urge you to delve into your own research and formulate an informed stance. This always has been the takeaway as I meticulously followed every drop and every possible speculative meaning behind each drop: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Even if you don’t believe any of it, I encourage you to read the Q drops in succession and see if you can connect any of the dots Q has pointed to in current events or in events passed (Hint: Hunter Biden and Biden crime family, Epstein Island, etc.).

Now, I will share a selection of what I consider to be persuasive circumstantial evidence that has led me to believe in the legitimacy of Q and the possibility of a clandestine operation (as outlined, again, in my previous post), seemingly executed by the United States military in tandem with President Trump. Additionally, my hope is this will offer you a primer on how to decipher Q drops as you begin to read them and conduct your own research.

Now, a recurring theme among those who analyze Q posts is a striking parallel between the content of Q posts and messages conveyed by Trump himself, as well as his close allies and advisors during his tenure. Notably, figures such as former NSA Director General Michael Flynn, former DoD Chief of Staff Kash Patel, and even Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino, have been spotlighted.

A series of salient catchphrases reverberate through the Q movement but none more prevalent as “Where we go one, we go all,” often abbreviated as WWG1WGA. This phrase has evolved into a rallying cry, a unifying mantra for followers.

Here’s where it gets captivating: on June 24, 2020, a Q post materialized on the 8Chan board featuring the very phrase in its abbreviated form (see red highlight):

Notice the WWG1WGA highlighted in red.

For anyone who has been tracking the Q movement, this phrase is deeply ingrained. Now, let’s explore a possible connection to General Flynn:

Check out this tweet from General Flynn, dated July 4, 2020. In the video, he is accompanied by family members as they take an oath (I’ll dive into the significance of that shortly). But what’s striking is how he concludes the video – he signs off with the very phrase, “Where we go one, we go all.” Take a look!

Is it a mere coincidence? Possibly. Now, let’s rewind a bit and examine Q post #4510, dated June 24, 2020. Interestingly, this is less than a month before Flynn’s video was posted. In this Q post, the exact words of the oath that General Flynn and his family recite are present (highlighted in red below):

This oath is replicated word-for-word exclusively in the Q drops. I believe it’s fair for any logical observer to pick up on the hints here. Is General Flynn Q? I can’t say for certain, but there’s a growing trail of breadcrumbs that suggests he could be involved in some capacity (Hint: notice the first hashtag in Flynn’s tweet is #TakeTheOath which is the first command by Q in the above post).

Consider General Flynn’s background: As a former director of the NSA under President Obama, he would undeniably be privy to the inner workings and potential indiscretions of the Obama administration. This insight brings us to Q post #1280 from April 27, 2018 – a time when Flynn himself was embroiled in legal battles. The post cryptically queries, “Who knows where the bodies are buried?” Moreover, the post confidently asserts “Flynn is safe.” Fast forward, and history confirms the accuracy of this assertion. Flynn was ultimately vindicated and received a presidential pardon from President Trump on December 8, 2020.

The pieces of the puzzle seem to edge closer. Is Flynn connected to Q? The clues invite further scrutiny.

Still not convinced? Let’s keep going!

Kash Patel, who previously served as the Chief of Staff at the Department of Defense, found himself under the glare of mainstream media in 2022 during the release of his children’s book, ‘The Plot Against the King‘. The book draws parallels to the Trump-Russia saga. However, Kash faced a wave of criticism for autographing a copy of his book with the initials “WWG1WGA”.

As one would expect, the media was swift in seizing this moment. In a Newsweek article from September 2022, Kash was singled out for employing what was interpreted as the rallying call of ‘QAnon.’ What was Kash’s response? See the excerpt from the Newsweek article below:

The incident highlights the potency of phrases associated with the Q movement in eliciting reactions and media attention. One might wonder, would the media recognize the ‘QAnon’ rallying cry if they weren’t closely monitoring the boards themselves?

While Patel attributes his use of the phrase to the 1996 movie White Squall, it’s intriguing to note that this very movie has been referenced in several Q posts, notably one from August 2018, which appeared just a month prior to the aforementioned Newsweek article.

If you’re still a bit skeptical, let’s try another proof.

During Easter 2018, a curious anon on the 8Chan boards proposed a test to validate the authenticity of Q. The challenge was straightforward: ask President Trump to incorporate the phrase “tip top tippy top shape” into his Easter address from the White House. Let’s take a look at what happened next:

One can’t help but concede that it’s quite an unconventional phrase to weave into a speech, yet he skillfully pulled it off, even if not in the exact order. In a Q drop that followed later that day, Q responded to anons with the following message (see red highlighted box):

I could certainly go on with the ‘Q-proofs’, which I may do in a future blog post, but I’ll leave you with one last example, which dates back to mid-2019. This was after the Republicans had relinquished control of the House but successfully retained the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections. The air was thick with tension as Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats were fervently pushing to impeach Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of justice over his call with President Zelensky of Ukraine. Without missing a beat, Trump responded with the following tweet:

What captures attention in this scenario is the pivotal role the Senate played in Trump’s exoneration, as it holds the decisive authority to impeach or acquit a sitting president. Q also alludes to the fact that while the Republicans lost control of the House during the midterms, they did gain control of the Senate, which was the target, and would soon prove why that was the case.

Note the numbers 53-47 in this post. Almost 1 year before the impeachment proceedings against President Trump would begin.

But here’s where things take a fascinating turn, and it was this revelation that really set the gears in motion for me – take a look at Q drop #3533, dated July 29, 2019. Keep in mind, this is nearly seven months before the Senate casts its votes in Trump’s impeachment trial. The message read:

Indeed, impeaching a sitting president necessitates a two-thirds majority vote. I vividly recall being glued to the screen as the Senate vote tally for the first charge, abuse of power, rolled in at 52 to 48, not guilty.

There was a sense of déjà vu as the numbers resonated with something I had come across previously. However, the real jaw-dropper was the final tally for the second charge, obstruction of justice, which stood at 53-47! My mind raced – where had I encountered these numbers before?! – Yep, Q drop #3533!

Could this have been pure happenstance, or were we witnessing an intricate LARP (Live Action Role Play) unravel in real-time? The sheer precision of Q’s apparent prediction left me dumbfounded – how could this cryptic message, which in retrospect seemed to forecast the final vote count in Trump’s impeachment trial, have been so accurate? My disbelief gave way to awe, as the gravity of the events unfolding began to sink in. It dawned on me that we were possibly witnessing a historical turning point, not just for our nation, but for the world at large. Which reminded me of drop # 3312:

As the world teeters on the brink of a potential nuclear confrontation involving the U.S., Ukraine, Russia, and China, the insights shared by Q over time come into sharp focus. It is now evident that Q plays a significant role in the ongoing psychological and information warfare. However, the true purpose of Q extends beyond serving as a clandestine conduit of communication for the Trump administration to the American people. Q also acts as a beacon, guiding those who meticulously decipher the shared information to understand the events unfolding before us. More crucially, when crisis inevitably strikes, equipped with this understanding, we will not only be able to discern the truth from the sea of disinformation for ourselves but also help our friends and family differentiate fact from fiction.

So, why is the mainstream media obsessed with censoring Q – or as they call it, ‘QAnon’? Because the mainstream media is the Left’s bullhorn and their last line of defense against the spotlight being shined on their corruption and malfeasance.

Here’s a notable instance among numerous efforts by mainstream media to undermine Q. In a segment featuring CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper, the mainstream media’s eagerness to discredit Q is evident as they present an eccentric individual as a Q follower. It’s clear this person could either be a hired actor or someone with a skewed comprehension of Q. Regardless, the tactic is clear: the media generalizes to lump all Q followers together, seeking to tarnish the movement’s credibility in the public’s perception.

Today, a cursory Google search of ‘QAnon’ produces a slew of media content, with many characterizing its followers as right-wing conspiracy enthusiasts, extremists, or even anti-semitic. The sheer panic Q has caused for the Left is clearly palpable.

While any movement can have outliers that might cast a shadow on its broader community, should a minority define a movement that has resonated with millions globally? We ought to reevaluate and question the intent of those determined to challenge its credibility:

  • Why downplay the idea of a covert Deep State with ambitions of global control?
  • Why overlook the unsettling revelations surrounding Epstein Island, especially when it hints at the involvement of prominent figures in child trafficking?
  • If there truly is a malevolent group intending to propagate their ideologies, possibly inclusive of extreme left-leaning views or overtly sexualized narratives, why condemn those who oppose it?
  • Is it that implausible, in today’s complex world, that a select, powerful few might harbor malicious intents, operating covertly, with public disclosure being their ultimate dread?
  • And why not question the Biden crime family’s involvement in Ukraine, and especially the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which has been researched extensively and exposed in a beautifully bound book provided to Congress by the group Marco Polo?

Over the past six years, more than 4,500 Q drops have introduced various pieces of information into the mainstream. The parallels between the content in the Q drops and its subsequent appearance in mainstream news are unmistakably deliberate. As Q often implies, “You are the news now.” This notion, of an informed and fully awake public, represents the Left’s greatest threat and deepest fear.

Even when pressed by the media, and given the opportunity to denounce or respond to the media’s inquiry regarding ‘Q,’ Trump never openly attacks nor denies the existence of the movement. Watch:

Even when pushed by ABC’s Savannah Guthrie during a Presidential Townhall in 2020 to disavow Q, Trump sidesteps the question in typical Trump style. But, what’s more evident is the deep-seated anger and hatred seething from Ms. Guthrie’s lips as she presses Trump to respond as her head prepares to explode:

If his knowledge about the movement is limited, how can he discern that ‘Q’ followers are particularly fond of him? How is he aware that Q’s followers are patriots who deeply love our country? Notably, when the reporter suggests that Q followers perceive him as leading the fight against a “satanic cult of pedophiles,” considering the recent release of the film “Sound of Freedom” and the heightened attention on child sex trafficking, his comments take on a deeper significance now more than ever.

Why are the Left and MSM deadset on censoring Q?

It’s simple: those who control the media, control the narrative, and therefore, control the mind of the population. To further answer this question, we’ll take a look at Q drops #2994, 3563, and 3613:

This underscores the pivotal role social media holds in the Left’s propaganda apparatus. The Left’s palpable dismay emerged when Twitter’s board of directors, grappling with plummeting stock values, had no choice but to sell the platform to Elon Musk. They recognized that losing Twitter meant forfeiting a major channel for shaping the public narrative.

Quick anecdote: In 1977, the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research, held a hearing on Project MK-ULTRA, which was the CIA’s research program in behavioral modification. The Senate Intelligence Committee was comprised of a number of well-known senators at the time, including a young rising career politician by the name of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. According to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in 2018, Project MK-ULTRA was:

“…code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continuing at least through the late 1960s, and it supposedly used United States citizens as unwitting test subjects…Project MK-ULTRA was first brought to wide public attention in 1975 by the U.S. Congress, through investigations by the Church Committee, and by a presidential commission known as the Rockefeller Commission. Investigative efforts were hampered by the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms ordered all MK-ULTRA files destroyed in 1973…Although the CIA insists that MK-ULTRA-type experiments have been abandoned, 14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns and that CIA mind control research continued.” (Source: Project MK-ULTRA, declassified document).

Moreover, MK-ULTRA grew out of Operation Paperclip, a CIA program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were brought to the U.S. from Nazi Germany. Many of these individuals were former ranking members of the Nazi Party. An offshoot of the MK-ULTRA program was Project BlueBird, which focused on the development of mind control techniques, interrogation methods, and behavior modification processes. Though the project came to an abrupt conclusion, it’s intriguing to speculate if Twitter might be seen as a contemporary successor to Project Bluebird—given its logo, is it a mere coincidence?—to influence public opinion and steer the narrative towards the Left’s perspective. Whether verifiably true or not, it’s worth noting the Left’s explosive reaction to Musk’s new acquisition. The board of directors had no other choice but to sell to Musk, or face the wrath of stakeholders over mismanaging their investment. Musk strategically painted them into a corner. But I digress on this point.

Twitter’s blue bird logo

The more pressing question, however, is: Why has an anonymous entity like Q elicited such a strong response from the Left and their media propagandists? What about Q intimidates them so profoundly?

A significant portion of the unease from the Left might stem from apprehension about their private visits to a certain “Island” becoming public knowledge, a revelation the American public would find unsettling. The recurring theme of child trafficking in numerous Q drops underscores the gravity and reach of this scandal. It’s essential to note that the exploitation of minors isn’t an issue limited to the Left; it’s an indiscriminate scourge involving notable individuals across government, Hollywood, and the broader media landscape. Consider these insights from Q drop #4633:

Although I could delve deeper into this topic, for now, it’s simply worth noting that child sex trafficking is not only a recurrent theme in the Q drops but was a paramount issue President Trump and his administration aimed to eradicate. Remarkably, the Trump administration witnessed more busts of pedophiles and sex trafficking rings than any previous administration combined. A telling sign, if you ask me, and one that will rear its head as revelations about the Biden crime family continue to emerge.

Dark to Light: Is Q the savior of the Republic?

Although the question above is posed rhetorically, the straightforward response is a definitive no. Contrary to some beliefs, Q’s intention, as perceived by its followers, was never about inducing passivity. The notion that there’s a shadowy figure looking out for us and all we need to do is lean back and enjoy the unfolding drama is quite misguided. Some are under the impression that we’re amidst another civil war; however, I see it more as a second revolutionary war, our own 1776. This isn’t a battle of traditional arms like muskets or cannonballs but a sophisticated, 5th-generation war taking place on the battlefield of our minds. Complacency is not an option – a sentiment even Q doesn’t shy away from emphasizing (see highlighted text):

Many who discuss Q also link the movement to terms like “The Great Awakening” or what some refer to as the illumination of conscience. Regardless of its label, let’s be clear of one thing – there’s an ongoing battle being waged for your mind and soul. For decades, those at the helm have exploited the American citizen through years of endless wars, corrupt backroom dealings with enemies (foreign and domestic), orchestrated crises and civil unrest, and manipulative media strategies. What is their ultimate goal, you ask? Simply to maintain their grip on the masses and further their ambitions for global supremacy. Many might wonder, where do I fit into this narrative? For the majority, our role is to share knowledge and information (often referred to as “red-pilling”) with those closest to us, to help rouse others from their slumber. General Flynn alluded to this during his address to the Young American’s Foundation in 2019. Does this sound like Q? Have a listen:

For others, you will make a difference in your communities by stepping up to run for elected office, volunteering as poll watchers on election days, replacing the Marxist ideologues who occupy your classrooms and school boards, and offering your talents in the written word as citizen journalists, and much more. Each one of us is a ‘digital solider.’ There is no choice for those who know, we are all called to be involved at some level.

Moreover, on August 4, 2023, a compelling documentary titled “Into the Light” was unveiled with the public support from the likes of none other than, General Michael Flynn himself. It’s from the same minds behind the 2020 documentary, “Out of Shadows.” The latest film endeavors to bring attention to the psychological strategies and prevailing media distortions that many have mistakenly accepted as the norm. Interestingly, the transition from darkness to light has frequently been echoed in the narrative of Q. This only further confirms for me why these documentaries can be likened to the historic leaflets disseminated by the Allied bombers in World War II over regions about to face conflict, which aimed to influence public sentiment or even coax leaders into surrendering. “Into the Light” serves as a beacon to rouse parts of the American public that remain asleep at the wheel. As “digital soldiers,” our duty is to amplify its message with our fellow countrymen. Interestingly, on December 8, 2022, the very day General Michael Flynn received his pardon from President Trump, he launched his book, aptly named “The Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare (Introduction to 5GW)” (no coincidences, right?). This work aims to enlighten the public and all champions of freedom about the nuanced global warfare landscape that remains elusive to many. The book is readily available on Amazon for those interested.

As you’ll learn upon watching “Into the Light,” employing psychological warfare isn’t a novel concept, yet its deployment by the government against its own people is deeply concerning. In the wrong hands, such strategies (and the technologies utilized to deploy them) can erode our Constitution and incrementally strip our liberties – sound familiar already? Regrettably, this situation has persisted for longer than many realize. For instance, in 1975, the Church Committee convened a session on Capitol Hill, probing NSA members about the involvement of CIA agents in crafting written and broadcast content with the aim of influencing the masses through media channels on contemporary issues, known then as Operation Mockingbird. Notably, even CBS News president Sig Michelson (1954 to 1961) conceded to employing CIA “journalists” to relay news and information on his platform. Observe:

Is the mission and aim of Q becoming clearer now? Rather than the baseless conspiracy narrative peddled by mainstream media, does it seem plausible that Q could indeed be a counter-insurgency led by patriots against a Deep State that has wielded psychological tactics on the American public for years to advance its agenda? It certainly seems that way, and, as current events continue unfolding, that’s exactly what Q and its followers appear to have started.

Welcome to the digital battlefield.

Note: This blog is dedicated to my friends and family who have considered me a conspiracy “nut.” That’s okay! Know that I love you anyways, and, in the end, the truth will find its way. May God, the Source of all truth and Truth itself, guide us in the restoration of this great nation, and may we one day soon together stand as one Republic, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

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