Space Force, Election Integrity, Enemies Within the Gates, and the Path Forward

Just wanted to point this out, because I find it very interesting as it relates to the 2020 Election and the recent forensic audits in Arizona, but first let me lay it out for you.

On Wednesday, Sept. 22, California Democratic congressman, Jared Huffman, along with 5 fellow progressives introduced the “No Militarization of Space Act” in an effort to dismantle the Space Force. Huffman said: “It’s time we turn our attention back to where it belongs: addressing urgent domestic and international priorities like battling COVID-19, climate change and growing economic inequality.”

Yeah sure, whatever.

However, another interesting item worth noting is that on the same day that the bill was introduced news broke that as of October 1, 2021, the Chief of Space Operations announced the consolidation of Army and Navy satellite communications billets, funding and mission responsibility under the U.S. Space Force.

In this article (, Army Lt. Gen. Daniel Karbler says, “Integrating space with land force operations will become increasingly important as the Army relies more and more on satellite communications, GPS, electronic warfare, missile warning and surveillance capabilities.”

“Electronic warfare…and surveillance capabilities” are operative phrases here.

Now, do you really believe the Democrats want to dismantle Space Force so as to focus more attention on climate change and the battle against COVID? Oh please!

Space Force is the sixth branch of the military established by Trump in December 2019. For what reason was Space Force established and for what particular task? Considering we were a year away from the biggest election in history in November 2020, and facing the greatest threat of election fraud (which Trump constantly hinted at here, here, and here) if you start to connect the dots, it’s my understanding that Space Force was established in advance of the 2020 Election to monitor the government agencies responsible for assuring our election integrity – namely, the Department of Homeland Security (I’ll tie up this loose end for you in just a second). I believe Trump knew just how corrupt DHS along with the FBI, DOJ and CIA was so he needed to utilize the only remaining entity to secure the integrity of our election and defend the constitution: our U.S. military via his Joint Chiefs of Staff.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Space Force was monitoring the “monitors” (i.e., DHS) and was watching the results of the 2020 election as the fraud perpetrated was unfolding in real-time.

Why else would the Dems be hot-to-trot to dismantle a branch of the U.S. military, one created by Trump no less?

Now, let’s tie up this loose end. Recall back on January 6, 2017, just before Trump took office, Secretary of Homeland Security under Obama, Jeh Johnson, released a statement designating “Election Infrastructure” as a “critical infrastructure subsector” within the existing critical infrastructure sector titled: “Government Facilities” (Source: Phew! That’s a lot of structure. Moving on. This allowed the Election Infrastructure Subsector to fall under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Since election infrastructure is now considered as part of critical infrastructure any interference by foreign adversaries on our election system is considered an “act of war.” So, if there was foreign interference in the 2020 election – which we now know was the case from the results of the Arizona forensic audit presented last Friday – then we are at war, or rather have been at war since November 4, 2020 (if not sooner), with not only foreign enemies but also with the treasonous enemies inside our own government who helped throw open the gates and was selling America off to the highest bidder. In my estimation, we’ve got some “silent running” by the military going on in the background.

And who were some of the appointed advisory members of the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council (EISCC)? None other than Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic to name a few. (Source, see page 3 for list of members:

What I believe the Obama administration was attempting to do was lay the foundation and solidify Dominion and Smartmatic to run our elections forever. We were well on our way to becoming Venezuela. And had Hillary won in 2016 you can bet your bottom dollar (your last dollar) we’d be there right about now.

Without a doubt, the politicians (Democrats and Republicans) who opened the doors to China, Iran and other foreign bad actors, have become enemy combatants. They know this.

So, where does Space Force factor in in all of this? I am of the opinion that Space Force has been and continues to collect incriminating intel that will come into play at some point. When? How? I don’t know, but considering how the cards have been played since Trump’s time in office and my observations of the current landscape, it’s only a matter of time. Listen carefully to what Trump says during his speech from January 6, 2021: “Over the last several weeks we have amassed overwhelming evidence about a fake election.” Do you think Trump knew? How would he have known? Answer: S-P-A-C-E-F-O-R-C-E (the only entity answerable to the president as its commander-in-chief).

So why not release it all now?

My only thought on this at the moment, is to wake America up by exposing the fraud and corruption, piece by piece. You can’t simply tell people the truth sometimes, they have to see it to believe it.

This was not just another 4 year election. This was, as I said, about exposing the fraud and ultimately destroy the underlying corrupt system that has plagued this nation for a long time. This same system which has been using the MSM to control what you see and hear. So here’s how we can potentially see things unfold going forward:

1. The system of fraud must be exposed to the people.

2. The people have to understand how the progressives/globalists committed fraud.

3. People need to understand that this did not occur only in a single county or state, but that it was widespread and well coordinated.

4. Consider the timing of Trump’s letters to GA Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger, to decertify the election. (Source:; and Trump’s letter to Texas (Source:

5. People also need to see how foreign governments were involved in the election fraud (This is where I believe Space Force plays a major role)

6. The people have to see how those who have said that there is no election fraud, lied and covered up their crimes, which is what is playing out in Arizona right now.

7. The Arizona Attorney General, Mark Brnovich, needs to investigate and present the crime and bring charges against those who perpetrated the crime so the people can see it for themselves. This will be the first domino to fall.

8. Again, the forensic audit was not about counting the same fraudulent votes, but about exposing the coordinated system of fraud to We the People.

9. Only when the people see this and understand will they begin to demand change. We need to remind Congress and all state/local reps that they work for us, not the other way around. This is happening is various cities across the country and will continue picking up steam.

10. Those who have defended the fraud will have to pick sides and make their final choice, either tell the truth or continue the lie and face the consequences. Many are so steeped in the corruption that they will choose to perpetuate the lie.

11. Will the FBI, DOJ and SCOTUS, etc., get involved once all the evidence is presented, and will each state elect to decertify the election?

12. As I said, we are at war. The Left, the globalist cabal, will not go down without a fight. They are fighting for their lives as well and for the corrupt system that has kept us under their thumb for far too long.

13. And lastly, if the rule of law is not followed, then there is really only one way to restore the republic: the military.

As Biden’s mental state continues to decline, is it possible the Dems will be quick to invoke the 25th amendment (Source: and replace Biden with Harris as “acting president”? Could it be during this time that the military will take action? We shall see. But let it be known, if it’s not obvious to you already, that things are not as they appear or at least how the MSM wishes you to see it.

The holes in the Left’s ship are getting bigger as battles continue to brew across various fronts:

  • Durham investigation – further indictments could be bombshells, i.e., possibly next could be Marc Elias, Clinton lawyer and key lead lawyer who attempted to disrupt AZ audits from happening back in May; Elias left Perkins Coie back in August to form his own law firm, conveniently less than a month before the indictment of fellow associate Michael Sussman. Sussman is just the tip of the iceberg. I believe Durham is doing something similar to what Giuliani did to bring down the mob in NYC in the 1980s. Take out the henchmen and the foot soldiers and take the beast out by its knees before lopping off its head.
  • AZ audit report itself – potential of AG Brnovich throwing down indictments; The report isn’t finished. What we saw on Friday was an introduction.
  • COVID narrative losing steam and Fauci’s credibility in the dumpster as more healthcare workers blow the whistle to expose the criminal aspects of the agenda.
  • Ghislaine Maxwell co-conspirators to be named in her case.

All these just to name a few. It’s only a matter of time before they all start throwing each other under the bus.

As we watch this all unfold, pray for your country and pray for your fellow citizens, especially those who need to be awakened. But more importantly, that God will use this as an opportunity to lead souls back to him. If you’re one who believes God can make good come out of evil, then now is that time.

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