Devolution Unfolds, The People’s Giant Red Pill, and the New American Revolution Heats Up

In my post from August 25, 2021, I introduced the concept of Devolution originally published by its author under the pseudonym, Patel Patriot. This series of brilliant in-depth analyses unravels and presents what is believed to be the contingency plan put into place by President Trump prior to the November 2020 General Election and before leaving office in January 2020 to save the Republic. The subsequent visual timeline I published using key dates mentioned in the series also offers an aerial view of significant events from 2017 through the end of President Trump’s first term in order to help you connect the dots.

This contingency plan is what, in my estimation – with the authority and oversight of top U.S. military officials – is holding our nation together while the Deep State and its White House occupant attempt to thrust their Marxist communist ideologies and policies upon an unsuspecting populace that is simultaneously getting doused with a cold bucket of reality. As the saying goes, “Sometimes you can’t simply tell people the truth, they have to experience and witness it for themselves.” What we are watching unfold is what those of us who have been paying attention for years, and have often been reviled as “conspiracy theorists” by friends and family, have been piecing together and putting into bitesize morsels to help the general public understand since October 2017 (I will go into the significance of October 2017 in another article).

The Devolution series touches upon various topics that are crucial to understanding how this contingency plan was put into motion by President Trump and how it has continued to unfold even throughout the COVID “plandemic” and the fraudulent theft of the 2020 General Election. Unfortunately, not many will take the time to read the series in its entirety, so thankfully through the creative ability of film producer, Dauntless Dialogue, the first in what is anticipated to be a documentary-style series that offers a visual abridged presentation of the Devolution series that makes for great “red-pilling” material.

While Patel Patriot continues to brilliantly expand the Devolution series, this new video series is sure to cause many “normies” in our circles to pause, reflect and discern between the facts (the reality) and the great illusion propagated by the bullhorn of the globalist Deep State – the mainstream media.

Please watch and share the first video with friends and family members who may need that little extra push over the ledge and out of the illusory matrix we have been living in for far too long.

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