An Open Letter to Businesses, Schools and Other Entities Mandating COVID Vaccinations

The following letter was written by a concerned scientist to an institution of higher education. I have removed the author’s name and the name of the institute from which he graduated out of respect for privacy. However, let this serve as a faithful reminder to those companies, organizations and educational institutions that are mandating vaccinations for their employees and/or students of the legal repercussions you may soon face. While vaccine manufacturers have full immunity against liability for adverse side effects caused by these “vaccines,” it does not mean your business, organization or school enjoy the same immunity from potential legal action that may (and will) be taken against you.

Without futher adieu, here is the letter:

Dear —

I am a business owner. I have an MBA from [School Unnamed]. And at heart, with a separate degree in physics, I am a scientist. I am taking the liberty of contacting principals of educational institutions and owners of corporations like mine who are developing or have developed policies regarding the mandating of COVID vaccinations. I have some thoughts for you that are in the best interest of your institution. The interests of a private organization may differ from the perceived interests of its employees and students of such organizations. The primary responsibility of the decision-maker of any private institution must be above all else: self-preservation. As selfish as this may sound, there is need for consideration of the long-term legal risks of mandating that private individuals take the COVID vaccines that could put their organization’s survival in jeopardy .

Over the past year, a public persuasion, engendered by the Federal Government, has developed that says all must be protected by a vaccine, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, in order to end the pandemic. As a result of this government pressure, a dangerous blind spot has developed among private institutions: a belief that they must go along with this persuasion by forcing via mandate those they employ or students who are paying these entities for an education to be vaccinated. This belief should not be followed by private organizations. If the general counsel or outside counsel of your organization has not had the courage to define for you, a principal decision maker, the legal risks that such a mandate policy creates, you should seek honest counsel elsewhere. The primary issue is quite simple. None of the vaccines have been tested for their potential long term side effects. All of the vaccines depend either on the individual’s DNA directly, or an mRNA molecule that communicates DNA molecule information.

Please go to this site (click here) and read the Study prepared and presented by a team of University of Pennsylvania doctors. Here are two statements from the Study summary: There are no specific guidelines for use of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines or contraindications to mRNA vaccines. No large trials of any mRNA vaccine have been completed yet unsaid as well is “that no large long-term trials on any mRNA vaccines have been completed yet.” Given time, if there are any missteps in the billions of RNA/DNA transactions within the human body that are triggered by these vaccines, the results are unknown. Were an mRNA molecule miscopies a DNA molecule and cause a chain of RNA/DNA changes, the result could include cancers, cardiovascular diseases, brain diseases (early dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease), birth defects in children of the vaccinated mother, and even death. There is no biochemist anywhere who will deny that these long-term consequences are possible as a result of the use of DNA/mRNA dependent vaccines.

In the future were any of these conditions found to be caused by the vaccines, either by longer term manufacturer studies or by the experience of those who have taken the vaccine, any private institution that had mandated the vaccine for employees or students would be liable for the consequences. The vaccine manufactures have been given blanket legal immunity against liability for any such consequences. You have not been given any such legal immunity. Be assured that your financial resources, whether in your treasury, endowment, or from the limited protection of your insurance carriers, would be rapidly depleted by settlement of lawsuits arising from such an event. Your institution would likely be brought to financial ruin. In making a decision as to whether or not to mandate the vaccine for my company’s employees, I was made aware of these risks. We have made the decision not to mandate that any of our employees take any of the vaccines. We have left that decision to each of our employees. We have further decided not to require COVID testing, since it would require testing of both unvaccinated as well as vaccinated employees; i.e., a high percentage of those vaccinated are now found to be carriers.

Remember, when the political winds shift, which they inevitably do, from all out support for those who mandate vaccinations to ‘get the heads’ of those who supported mandates because of deaths and medical issues that follow in the wake of these vaccines, those who made the mandate decisions will be in the political and legal crosshairs. Again, I pass this on to assist you in making a decision regarding vaccine mandating. My advice: make a decision that helps ensure the survival of your organization.

Good luck.



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