“Today’s ceremony, however, has a very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, the people.”
President Donald J. Trump, excerpt from inaugural address, January 2017.
The power has always been in the hands of the people. We have just forgotten what it means to live in a constitutional republic, because we have been living the globalist illusion for far too long.
We’re entering the darkest phase of this geopolitical and moral catastrophe, but if you are like me you also see light through the opaque veneer that has veiled the true beauty of our beloved Republic. Trust me, this isn’t about Trump returning to office to save us. This is a lesson for the people to recall not only their constitutional rights, but also their God-given rights as citizens of this great nation which has been infiltrated by the CCP and their co-conspirators within our own walls – traitorous politicians who swore to protect and defend the constitution, but instead trampled it underfoot.
We the people are the catalysts for the kind of change we wish to see in our country. We are stronger when we are united and they know this. Sowing division is what keeps us weak and more easily manipulated.
These godless men in power care nothing for you, in fact, they despise you and the American way of life. Let that sink in. Yet, it is fear and division they have used to exploit us and weaponize our love against each other to cause confusion and wreak havoc in families and among friends. Why do you think they have divided us into camps of “vaccinated vs. unvaccinated”? And why do they try to equate unvaccinated people – yes, the very people you love – as being potential “terrorists” for exercising their rights? And what about labeling those of us who refuse to take the jab or buy the lie as “conspiracy theorists” when, in fact, they are the ones conspiring against us? What kind of nonsense is this and why do we feed into the fear-mongering and the lies that has pushed humanity further and further to the precipice where we now find ourselves?
While we are not fighting a battle with muskets and cannon fire, this is information warfare. The battlefield is your mind. The more the MSM and the Left can keep you deceived the longer you will remain under the thumb of their oppressive agenda that does not have your good nor the good of your loved ones at heart. But hang on, the dam is breaking, the flood gates are opening, and it’s about to burst. Don’t give up!
This is a lesson we shall not soon forget. Red lines are being crossed everywhere. With evidence mounting against Dr. Fauci and the NIH that indeed was funding gain of function research in Wuhan it’s certainly not looking good for the Left. Whistleblowers in our healthcare system are also coming forward to expose the truth on COVID which is crushing the narrative and the agenda to booster shot every American to infinity. Those who took the initial jab are now questioning its efficacy as they realize we are not returning to “normal” times as we were promised. Why is that? Think for goodness sake! Use your God-given reason to observe and judge the times in which we are living.
By now, can we honestly believe that bureaucrats and wealthy elitists with no medical expertise, and who vote and insist on the murder of more than 63 million unborn children in their mother’s womb would be pushing to vaccinate the entire world because of philanthropic zeal? And if they are capable of this, what makes one think they wouldn’t try to steal an election to remain propped up in their ivory towers and lording over us peasants?
As we approach the precipice, do what you must – respectfully but firmly – to protect your rights and defend your family. And for those of you who are the praying kind – pray, hope, and don’t worry. God is on our side and he, too, is teaching us a lesson through all of this as more eyes are being opened as a result of this buffoonery.
Lastly, bear in mind, while this battle begins to boil over in the United States, our brothers and sisters across the world have been fighting against the same globalist system that has infiltrated and imposed itself upon our freedoms and rights. But, of course, the mainstream media will not show you this. Don’t be deceived and don’t give up hope. Despite what cynics might say, there is far more good in this world than you think, and the good shall prevail because we have a God who is truth and goodness itself. Never lose sight of this. The Leftist criminal cabal’s greatest fear is a public fully awake.