A plan unfolds with the most unlikely of alliances

As the saying goes, “hindsight is always 20/20!”

Well, it certainly has been for me. As an active spectator of the political theater since just before Obama took office in 2008 I’ve held little hope in the political process, with the exception of that fateful night in November 2016 when Donald J. Trump became our 45th president. Something seemed different, in fact, something was different. It was as though a ripple in the space-time continuum had occurred right before our eyes as many of us were convinced Hillary Clinton would clearly emerge victorious over the “golden-haired” billionaire playboy from the Bronx.

But when the wicked witch failed to break the “glass ceiling” and Trump was declared the victor, my interest had piqued to understand how he actually managed to pull off this major victory. Since October 2017 I’ve been following the entire spectacle that was and has been the presidency of one Donald John Trump.

To this day, I am convinced that the only way Trump could have won the presidency in 2016 was with the aid of the only force strong enough to subvert and stop the Deep State agenda in it’s tracks: American patriots in the U.S. military, but particularly by members of the intelligence community.

While it’s impossible to say precisely who might have had a hand in the 2016 election night miracle, it was evident that something was happening behind the scenes involving the military starting on November 17, 2016, when then NSA chief, Admiral Mike Rogers, discovered that the Obama administration had been wire-tapping president-elect Trump’s campaign at Trump Tower in New York. Rogers broke from under then supervisor and FBI director, James Clapper, and paid a special visit to the president-elect to notify him of the breach of privacy. It was then that Trump and his team moved their campaign operations from Trump Tower to Bedminster, New Jersey.

Following this revelation, and what I think finally convinced me that Trump was working closely with officials in the military, was this peculiar press conference he held in the White House in October 2017. Listen to what Trump says in this clip as a sea of media cameras click away and reporters are left dumb-founded:

This press conference occurred on October 5, 2017, less than a year after Admiral Rogers’ visit to New York. And look who just happened to be in the same room with President Trump when he made his so-called cryptic “calm before the storm” remark – none other than Admiral Mike Rogers himself (see red arrow).

So, what did Trump mean exactly by “calm before the storm”? Well, I think, looking back on this moment, we can only speculate on timelines since Trump is no longer in office. However, as geopolitical tensions are rising under the Biden “presidency” and the scandal-ridden DNC can’t seem to shake the spotlight on their lies and malfeasance which is being exposed to the world – including a potential Hunter Biden indictment as predicted recently by Kash Patel – it’s clear we’re heading into some turbulent waters.

Any reasonable person can take one look at the current state of the world and see something’s amiss. What I believe we’re witnessing is the dismantling of the Deep State strongholds around the world. And the most obvious event that should have everyone scratching their heads and asking questions has to be the conflict in Ukraine, which the media has gone almost but “radio silent” on lately.

What’s absolutely clear – and is not being covered by the news media – is the discovery of U.S.-funded biological research labs in Ukraine by Russian officials for the purposes of creating biological weapons. And whether you’re inclined to believe them or not, Russia has been doing its due diligence in exposing it to the U.N. Security Council. Russian officials have made some serious (and substantiated) accusations against the U.S. Department of Defense and the CDC, and of course, Hunter Biden’s Metabiota firm.

On June 9, 2022, the Department of Defense published on their website an official statement admitting to funding biological research activities in Ukraine – 46 laboratories to be exact!

And, let’s not forget the role Hunter Biden’s company, Ukraine-based Metabiota had in funding the creation of said biological research, according to recently released copies of emails from Hunter’s laptop (the gift that keeps on giving). One of the emails by Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi who wrote to Biden says, “As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD B&V [engineering firm Black & Veatch]…What kind of partnership Metabiota is looking for in Ukraine?” We can only imagine!

Not holding back any punches, the Russian military has also been so bold as to accuse the United States of creating the COVID-19 and monkeypox viruses to influence elections, particularly here in the U.S.

I mean, what more proof does one need to know that the reality of the Ukrainian conflict isn’t as the mainstream media portrays it? How could we forget the iconic moment when Ukrainian president Zelensky and his wife took time out during the heat of a supposed Russian invasion to meet with the famed photographer to the stars, Annie Leibovitz, for a Vogue cover photo shoot? This is just priceless! This must be where all the American taxpayer dollars have gone.

With all this hoopla happening on the world’s stage, this only leads me back to a few key moments of the Trump presidency which, upon deeper reflection, have given me reason to believe Trump may have forged the most unlikely of alliances to dismantle the Deep State apparatus on a global scale. Let’s go back in time, shall we?! Remember these events?

  • 2017 – Trump meets with Xi Jinping at Mar-a-lago
  • 2018 – Trump meets with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki – Putin hands Trump a soccer ball from the World Cup saying, “…the ball is in your court.”
  • 2019 – Trump holds historic meeting with Kim Jung Un in the DMZ
  • 2020 – Trump signs executive order 13961 – the Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience (we’ll come back to this later).

The first three events occurred one after another, nicely spaced out over a span of three years. Nothing to see here, right? While I can only speculate, I do believe it was during these meetings with Xi, Putin, and KJU, that Trump laid the groundwork for what we’re witnessing unfold today. The countdown to today’s disaster, or what I call the “controlled demolition,” started the moment Trump boarded the plane on January 20, 2021, and departed Washington, D.C. Trump effectively enacted the contingency plan by handing over authority to the United States military to protect and defend our nation during this time of irregular warfare as the Deep State apparatus is slowly and methodically being eradicated.

Think about all that is happening right now. If the DNC globalists were truly in control, I think we would be in the throes of nuclear war. Why hasn’t this happened yet? Why hasn’t Biden sent the military to Ukraine?

Even if we can’t plainly see it, you can sense a plan is unfolding. Do you see now why optics are so important?

Think about what would have happened if Trump was in the White House when:

1. The economy crashed

2. We pulled out of Afghanistan and gave control to the Taliban (Remember this: Mike Pompeo meets with Taliban prior to leaving office: https://www.voanews.com/a/middle-east_pompeo-meets-afghan-taliban-negotiators-qatar/6198663.html)

3. Allowed Putin’s “strategic operation” in Ukraine

4. 2nd Amendment Ruling (guns are safe!)

5. Roe vs. Wade reversal

6. Trump-endorsed candidates are winning their local elections in order to run in the 2022 midterms. (They’re 15-0!)

There’s no way the “normies” of society could be shaken from their slumber if they didn’t see and experience the corruption of the DNC globalist commies firsthand. It simply had to happen this way.

Trump’s Executive Order – the order above all orders

As so beautifully laid out in Patel Patriot’s devotion series, in December 2020, President Trump signed Executive Order 13961: the Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience. What does this mean exactly?

This particular order was signed under the authority of the National Security Act of 1947, which was enacted by then President Harry Truman after World War II, to unify our armed forces for the purposes of our national defense in times of war.

Why would Trump sign an executive order under the authority of such an act? Are we at war? Of course we are! But the enemy is much closer than we might think.

Throughout the entire executive order, you will notice there is not a single mention of “natural disaster” or “national emergency” but it clearly states repeatedly under the context of “War and National Defense” to β€œensure the continuity of operations, continuity of government, and enduring constitutional government.” With this executive order, Trump was clearly setting the contingency plan in motion to protect our nation from enemies both “foreign and domestic.”

While I don’t have the mental bandwidth to hash this all out here, I’m grateful for the work of Patel Patriot who has so brilliantly laid out this plan in his Devolution series, which is now in its 23rd installment by the time this post is published. If you want a bird’s eye view and a good indication of what’s unfolding, I can’t recommend enough that you spend time reading this series.

Dauntless Dialogue on Rumble has been working on a companion video series – “Devolved” – that helps to summarize the articles of the Devolution series into a much lighter, digestible format.

Here’s the latest video in the series. Please share far and wide and see for yourself:

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