Devolution: What Is It?

Original Post Date: 8/25/2021; Updated: 5/29/2022

In early July, a blogger under the pseudonym “Patel Patriot” penned the first in a remarkable and eye-opening series of articles discussing the theory of “devolution” – in other words, a contingency plan to preserve the American constitutional republic from being overthrown by foreign and domestic enemies. Over the last 5 years throughout the Trump presidency I had been formulating my own theories of what may have been happening behind-the-scenes, and I think we can confidently say, for those who have been paying closely observing the geo-political climate over the last 5+ years, we are undoubtedly at war with a global crime syndicate, otherwise known as the Deep State.

It wasn’t until I came across Patel Patriot’s interview on the X22 Report podcast that I started to read his theories, juxtaposing them with the information I had learned over time only to arrive at the conclusion that devolution must, in some way, be real. Whether the theories presented in these articles manifest as truth, there is little doubt in my mind that devolution (or some comparable “plan”) was activated by Trump with the assistance of the United States military.

For those who are new to the discussion, put simply, devolution refers to a contingency plan for continuity of government. The first time we heard devolution mentioned in a mainstream context was in a Newsweek article from 2020 in which the author presented the idea of devolution within the context of the COVID-19 “pandemic” and what plans would be in place for the military to assume control in the event the president and his constitutional successors are rendered incapacitated. For some time I have wondered how and in what way the military could possibly take control without making it appear as a coup, as we witnessed in the overthrowing of the government in Myanmar. There is little doubt in my mind, and even more so after reading these articles, that devolution is currently at play and that the appearance of the Biden “residency” is merely a facade to provide cover for the Deep State and its attempt to initiate the Great Reset and pickup where they left off prior to Trump in their quest for global domination.

Understand that the following articles may require multiple readings to digest the content of what the author so skillfully presents. While it all remains just a theory, this is the closest I have come to piecing together elements from my own research over the last 5 years, yet Patel Patriot makes it look so easy.

If you have any questions about devolution or to continue the conversation with others, I encourage you to visit his Telegram channel at

1.) What is Devolution?:

2.) The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defector:

3.) Continuity of Government:

4.) A Wartime President:

5.) The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency & Dominion Voting Systems:

6.) Antifa & the Capitol Riot:

7.) Foreign Interference:

8.) How & When:

9.) The Military:

10.) The Silent War:

11.) Crowdstrike:

12.) Playbook:

13.) Shadow Government:

14.) The Invisible Enemy:

15.) Vaccine Bewilderment:

16.) To Xi, or not to Xi?:

17.) From Ukraine with Love:

18.) The Proof is in the Putin:

19.) RICO Suave:

20.) Trump Justice:

21.) 2000 Mules:

22.) Irregular Warfare:

In another post I have assembled a timeline of key dates mentioned in each article as a way to help you visualize the actions and possible intent of the Trump administration along with key military and defense personnel to initiate the plans for devolution.

If things are panning out according to the mode illustrated in these articles, then we are in for the ride of our lives! Until then, hold the line.

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